Thursday, February 28, 2008

Three Contemporay Icons

I chose three contemporary icons, that could be questioned the line of contemporary. The Cross, Santa, and the American flag. These icons never grow old and is always modern across the world. These icons have changed looks but the iconism has stayed the same. I chose these icons that could be recognized through out the world because my fascination with world culture and history.

The British calls Santa "Father Christmas", instead of mailing letters to Santa; the children toss the letters into the fireplace, Father Christmas then reads the letter through the smoke. This is just one example how Santa is looked upon across the globe. If you are interested in reading about the different types of Santas you can look it up on . Santa comes in different sizes and shapes depending what the location is. I have seen Santa in Bermuda shorts and the full custom with the beard and the elves. Santa is a recongized icon across the world. I have never seen Santa get any older, but I have seen Santa get thinner.

Religion is a very strong icon across the world. The pope holds the silver cross as he prays. The Middle East are always at war because of types of belief s and the association with each religion. A cross can be seen in a cemetery. A cross can be worn around a ladies neck and globally the representation is normally a religous reason.

The American flag can be seen across the map, and every country knows what it stands for. Immigrants swim the ocean for the land of the free, Americans sing about the flag before any major event begins. What about the extremely popular photograph that has been reprinted thousands of times. "Raising the flag of Iwo Jima"?

These three icons will always be contemporary, it doesn't matter what year it is.

What do you think?

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