Sunday, March 16, 2008

Assignment 4-1

Obama Pastor’s Church Fires Back.
Assignment 4-1
By Amy Rippeth

FoxNews(2008, March 15.) Obama Pastor's Church Fires Back.
Fox News. Retrieved March 15,2008, from

For this week’s article, I chose the hot topic of the week. Obama, Reverend Jeremiah Wright vs. the media. Even though the Democratic Party has fought amongst each other; to me this is an important subject that needs to be looked upon very serious. I think this will determine Obama’s character.

According to this article, there are been several sermons delivered by Reverend Wright that would go against true Americans. The media has several controversial intranet sermons given by Reverend Wright blaming Americans creating the AIDS virus to kill African Americans. Reverend Wright is known to have a congregation over 8,000 people.

The congregation has stated the media has attacked the heritage of the African American Church. It was stated that Sunday is still the “most segregated hour of America”

Hillary Clinton’s supporters have not responded to any of these allegations.

Obama had his 20 year Reverend to step down from his “spiritual advisory board” “to detour the real reason why I am running for president” stated by Obama.

I have found the pop culture article important to our society. The last time I checked, we have abolished the segregation of white and blacks. My question first is why are the African Americans ministers continuing to separate the two? If this preacher has had several controversial sermons segregating blacks against America and whites, why has Obama continued his relationship with Reverend Wright for the past 20 years? The media has had a lot of attention toward Hillary, maybe we need to do more scrutinizing toward our other parties. “If there is smoke, there is probably a fire.” That is my take on this divisive subject.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Assignment 3-1

The Trail: Hillary and the Invisible Women

Assignment 3-1
HUMN 341 Poplar Culture

By Amy Rippeth

Hillary has had a grueling schedule, 14 cities within four days, and a schedule that even Senator Obama has a hard time keeping up with. Hillary has showed her toughness despite what the media has done to her. The media caravan that is with Hillary; from traveling on the plane with her, to the destinations she stops and gives her speech, the reporters are there. The reporters set up where ever possible. This week, the reporters set up space in the men’s restrooms, right beside the urinals. Hillary commented “now we know this campaign is in the toilets.” The irony of this is Hillary states “the media is the one taking her down”.
Hillary takes on the towns in Ohio where the NAFTA shows its biggest impact. Her husband, Bill while in his presidency put in place. As Hillary looks refreshed on the stage, her presence is strong stating “they will bring back these jobs in Ohio”. She states she doesn’t worry if you will believe her, she will show Ohio what she is about. The biggest believers of this speech are the women baby boomers.
In Ohio, 67% of the women’s votes were these baby boomers. 44% of this group is the invisible women that carried Ohio to her victory. Even though this group of women is a strong group, they worry about their children jumping on the Obama’s bandwagon. The women baby boomers are successful career women, have families, some may be empty nesters feel that this is the time for them to speak. If you are 50 and female, you might want to consider Hillary for your pick for the Democratic Party.
Hollywood considers this group old; there are not a lot of parts in movies that these invisible women can try out for. Oprah Winfrey, which falls in this category didn’t support this group; she decided to follow another candidate.
Don’t underestimate this invisible group. These women are coming together and realizing there are a lot of women 50 and over can make a difference. Women from Texas and Ohio grouped together, some that never voted before came to help with Hillary’s campaign. It’s a good thing. These women according to the polls made a difference for Hillary. This invisible group isn’t finished talking, they are hoping they can get this wave going until she is the nominee.

Brown, T (2008, March 5.) The Trail: Hillary and the Invisible Women.
News Week. Retrieved March 7, 2008, from

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Assignment 2-3 Myths Analysis

Hollywood - The American Dream

I chose the sign Hollywood that is located atop Mount Lee, in the Hollywood hills and the Walk of Fame on Hollywood Boulevard. The components of the monomyth is

1. The Call to Adventure
2. The Road of Trials
3. The Magic Flight

The reason I chose these two icons is very odd. I was watching a television show
that stated the Hollywood sign will be hard to see in the future because the land around it. This piece of land was sold to a realtor that will be building a housing development around the sign. The Hollywood stars were gathering money to see if they cThe sign and the walk of fame are great iconic myths. Would Hollywood be the same if there is a housing development around that sign? I think the sign is an icon, but Hollywood itself, the people make that city famous. I don’t think it would make a difference. Apparently the actors seem to think it will make a difference. The overpriced piece of land that sold in 2005 for 450 million dollars will be double that price in order for the stars to gain control.
If you want to see it RIGHT NOW, They have a 24 hour webcam you can take a look at. Do you think that this is a myth for Hollywood? Is Hollywood the American Dream?
The decision is still with me, I can’t really state a position with this. Every time I decide to not agree, I look at an example like OPRAH, and Hollywood was her dream and she continues to ride the flight..

Assignment 2-1

Saturday, a rally was held by Benazir Bhutto’s husband; Zardari, in Thatta Pakistan. A rally that would have been delivered by Benazir; but an assassination that caused Benazir’s death comes too quickly.

The controversial assassination was determined by Scotland Yard yesterday that a bomb caused her death. The hope of democracy continues by her supporting husband.
Thousands of supporters lined the streets of Pakistan to hear Zardari. The size of this rally was the largest they have seen since Benazir’s death.

Zardari is not the poplar choice of the people but the love for Benazir brings the crowds together hoping Zardari’s reputation will go unnoticed. A huge picture of Bhutto’s son Bilawal hangs behind the husband as a backdrop; who is the appointed chairperson of this campaign. Several supports state “they will avenge the blood of Benazir”. This will yet to be determined because there are beliefs that the voting will still be rigged.

I chose Benazir Bhutto as an icon because of our current situation with United States. Bhutto was a brave woman going back to her country after several years to make a difference in Pakistan. My thoughts go more in depth though; Hillary Clinton wants to make a difference in United States, but it’s just not about American. What about the other countries that we need to deal with diplomatically? As a female, I question the impact choosing a woman for president. Will the other countries show respect of our choice for president?
I think America is ready for a woman to be president, but I don’t think the world is.

United States is different than Pakistan culturally. But the gender card still plays a big role across the world. Having a rally for Bhutto and what she stood for is one thing; but the end result shows where the country is when it comes to a female making a choice and becoming a leader of a country. I applaud Zardari’to continue his wife’s effort for the Pakistans’ freedom but what she stood for will not ever be conveyed because she will not be there to fill that role.

Associated Press. (Saturday, February 9, 2008). Bhutto Husband’s Rally Draws Thousands. MSNBC. Retrieved March 1, 2008, from

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Three Contemporay Icons

I chose three contemporary icons, that could be questioned the line of contemporary. The Cross, Santa, and the American flag. These icons never grow old and is always modern across the world. These icons have changed looks but the iconism has stayed the same. I chose these icons that could be recognized through out the world because my fascination with world culture and history.

The British calls Santa "Father Christmas", instead of mailing letters to Santa; the children toss the letters into the fireplace, Father Christmas then reads the letter through the smoke. This is just one example how Santa is looked upon across the globe. If you are interested in reading about the different types of Santas you can look it up on . Santa comes in different sizes and shapes depending what the location is. I have seen Santa in Bermuda shorts and the full custom with the beard and the elves. Santa is a recongized icon across the world. I have never seen Santa get any older, but I have seen Santa get thinner.

Religion is a very strong icon across the world. The pope holds the silver cross as he prays. The Middle East are always at war because of types of belief s and the association with each religion. A cross can be seen in a cemetery. A cross can be worn around a ladies neck and globally the representation is normally a religous reason.

The American flag can be seen across the map, and every country knows what it stands for. Immigrants swim the ocean for the land of the free, Americans sing about the flag before any major event begins. What about the extremely popular photograph that has been reprinted thousands of times. "Raising the flag of Iwo Jima"?

These three icons will always be contemporary, it doesn't matter what year it is.

What do you think?

Saturday, February 23, 2008

What is popular culture?

I really took some time to come up with my artifact for pop culture. It's just not a box of crayons. It's the box that holds the treasures. Colors.

Popular Culture is the representation of now and the past. You ask how does color represents pop culture?

Take a look at our American flag for example; red, white, and blue. Doesn't it remind you of freedom, what the cost was? Seeing our soldiers raising the American flag, the feeling of pride swells within us. If you watch the soldiers raise a white flag wouldn't you wondering who we are surrendering to; did we lose our freedom?"

When you see a pink ribbon, everyone thinks of breast cancer. Our culture has made colors an awareness of importance. When you see the yellow ribbon, the representation is for our troops to come home. The yellow ribbon also represents teen suicides. To a mom that lost a child through suicide that yellow ribbon reminds them of hope, awareness and protecting other parents from the pain.

What about the new red? Red represents aids in Africa. This new red also represent women and heart attacks.
Women's health is a growing awareness, now images of women wearing red signifies "healthy heart".

Colors is a big business when it comes to our economy. Take a look at the famous yellow arch. McDonald. The hamburger world hasn't been the same since. When Ray Kroc started this business in 1955, he took his whole life savings and developed a gold mine. The golden arch is seen all over the country. What if the golden arch was a different color, would it have that same meaning?

My color is pink . At 34 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I went through chemo, radiation, and the side affects that come with cancer. I have purses, bracelets, sweatshirts, socks, earrings, you name it, I probably have it in pink. I wear it proudly. I also have a purpose wearing pink. I want young ladies to be aware of this growing disease. I am not a sun soak er, nor a smoker, I don't have a history of cancer in my family. That color that I wear so boldly represnts me and the message I want women of all ages be aware that cancer has no age, ethnic boundries, and is not prejudice.

I wear a braclet that has several color beads, each color represents a type of cancer. This goes back to my research on colors and how it intwines with poplar culture.

What color are you?